The One with the Cambios!

SEPTEMBER 27, 2017

 HEY friends and family! This week was yet another great week here in the Chile Santiago South Mission! There were some changes that happened this week, like I had a change in my companions! My new companions is named Hermana Santos and is from Brasil! Yet another comp of mine is from Brasil! She is the third one from Brasil that I have had! She is super cute and I know that we will be great friends and work well together here in our Sector! 
Now this week I was told that my family that was baptized in my last ward are moving back to Colombia! It was sooo sad to hear that they were leaving but it is because they were having the hardest time financially here in Chile, so they had to leave. I was able to go see them and spend an afternoon with them before they left though! It was nice to see them but even more amazing to see that they were still going super strong in the Gospel and had stronger testimonies than before, both with callings and actively participating in the church. What a huge miracle for me to see that just in a short 3 months after their baptism, they are more faithful than ever before! They are still planning on getting sealed next year and have invited me to it, in Bogota Colombia! Looks like I have a nice vacation planned! 
This week we had some service again to clean up the church and our amazing Investigator came! Rogelio is the greatest! He is so ready for his Baptism here in a few weeks! I am so excited and so is he, which makes it even better! 
This week I have learned a lot about the attribute of Charity. It is sooo important that we have Christ-like love for everyone around us. Here in the mission my heart has opened up more than I thought possible, I see a lady on the street and we stop to talk to here about the Restored Gospel and I feel a love for her! I dont know her, her story, or her family, but I know that she is a child of God and that alone makes me love her. It is the greatest thing to see people here in Chile, the way that God sees them, children of God, my brothers and sisters. It is the best opportunity for me to be on the Lords errand! It is hard! It is tiring! BUT it is the BEST thing in the world!! I love it with all my heart and my eyes have been changed to see things with pure charity! 

This is the message I have for the week! I love and miss you all! Until next week,



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