The One With another Week here in Chile 2/22

FEBRUARY 22- Okay so this week, not much happened. I dont have much to write for this week so lo siento for that. I had an experience this week that was very strong and has a big mark on my mind and heart. I was on divisions with the Hermana Leaders and one of them is my trainer Hermana Ruiz. We had the chance to be companions again for one day. I was leading my sector here in Brisas and we went looking for an investigator named Luiz. Juiz is an old, cute, little grandpa who was a contact one day while we were walking in the street. We tried to get in contact with him for about 2 weeks now and just never could. I knew we had to keep going back because I felt that he needed to hear our message. We went to visit him with Hermana Ruiz and he was there and wanted to hear what we had to tech him. We sat down nd started teaching Lesson 1 about the RestauraciĆ³n. Within about 5 minutes into the lesson, the Holy Ghost just took over! I haven't felt the Spirit so strongly in a lesson in a very long time. I felt a wave of the Spirit just come over me my companion, and Luiz. It was powerful. We taught him all the points and even felt prompted to baptism and he accepted., We still don't have a date, but he is on the path. It was yet another conversion story, not for Luiz or my comp, but for me. I had a reconfirmation from my Heavenly Father that Joseph Smith was a true Prophet of God and that the Book of Mormon is 100% true. In this lesson I felt the Holy Ghost testify of the truth to me and to the sweet little old man sitting across form me. I could see the light of Jesus Christ filling his heart and the Spirit testifying the truth to him. This Gospel is TRUE. If you do not know for yourself, ask! Just like President Monson said "If you have not read the book of mormon.... read it!!" It is that simple. I can testify over and over again of the true and perfect divinity of that book. It has changed lives and brought everlasting joy. Who doesn't want those things? I DO!! 

So also this week we had the chance to serve the Bishop and paint inside his house. No sure what happened but of all the people there, I was the one covered in paint.... not an artist

that is for sure. I am just gonna leave those type of things to my little sister Missy, she is a lot better at that kinds stuff and I will stick to what I am good at.. like eating the food and drinking a lot of Diet Coke! lol 

Today for Pday we had a day with all the Colombians of the mission. We ate real Colombian food and it was actually really good except for one part!! There was a piece of meat on the plate and it was straight pig fat... not meat, just the fat. It had skin on it too WITH HAIR!! Literally had hair on the skin and fat... I nearly freaked out and gave it to an Elder to eat, so did Hermana Knechtel! Oh my goodness so weird and gross!! 

But yeah, this week wasnt all that exciting! We are working hard and going to enjoy this last week together before we have changes. We are thinking that Hna Knechtel is going to leave and I will stay here in Brisas to lead the sector. I am going to die without her. We have lived together for 7 months and now she is leaving, We will be living it up this next week! I miss you all and love you so much!! 

Work Hard, Pray Harder


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