Yup, so this week we had changes and I have been called to be a trainer! My daughter (companion but in the mission I am her mom and she is my daughter) is brand new! She has 2 dyas now in Chile and she is from Brasil! I also have to teach her Spanish. I know she will learn fast with the Gift of Tongues and with living here in Chile so I have no worries. She already speaks SO much more than I did when I came to Chile so we will be fine! She is from the south part of Brasil so her accent is very very strong! BUT we live with 2 other Hermanas also from Brasil sooo I have learned to understand what she is saying because I am used to the accent. I am living with 3 Brasilians and the two Elders in my ward are Brasilian too... looks like I am going to be learning some Portuguese!! I am pumped!
So before we had the changes Hermana Knechtel and I were in the house for 3 days because she got so sick! She had strep-throat and then it turned to tonsilitus! She was so sick and we were not allowed to leave the house! We went crazy! We were so board! But it gave us time to hang out and get to know eachother even better. We lived together for 7 months and this week she moved out and it is the first time in the mission that we are seperated. I was sooo sad but when my hija came it made it all better!
Also this week, we had a little bit of an emergency here in Santiago. We didnt have water for nearly 3 days!! All of the water in Santiago comes from the mountains up north and one day a dam or something broke and there wwas chamicals in the water and it was very dangerous. So the city turned off the water and no one in all of Santiago didnt have water! There were people going crazy and people everywhere looking for water. There were water trucks everywhere distributing water to us. It was crazy! Luckily our Bishop called us in the middle of the night to ward us so we were able to gather some water in the house before it shut off! We were not able to shower or anything. So, Knechtel and I went and got water from the pool in bottles and bottles of water. We washed eachothers hair in the tub with the water form the pool.... it was terrible but SO FUNNY and kinds fun not gonne lie. Finally the water came on the morning of changes so that was a miracle! But yeah, there was a lot of stress here in Chile for a while because there was no water, in the summertime, in Chile.... hahaha it was rough!
I have one goal as a trainer, and it is for her to learn to LOVE the mission with all her heart, might, mind, and soul. With all the tribulations and all, because she will have them. I know that the Lord is watching over each one of us and hears us. Speaking of that, Knechtel and I had a miracle and blessing of faith happen our last Sunday together. We had invited an Investigador to come to church, Luiz actually. HE told us on Monday that he would come. We had another appoinment with him on Saturday in the afternoon. HE ended up canceling the appoinment but told us he would be there Sunday! We were very excited. Sunday came and at 9am we called him to make suree that he was coming, His wife answered the phone and told us that he was still sleeping and didnt want to go to chruch. She quickly hug up the phone before we even had a change to understand why he didnt want to go. As we hung up the phone, we looked at eahother with sadness in our eyes and, well pouted for a second. But then we both looked at eachother and said "No, Luiz is coming to church!" We decided to pray and ask our Heavenly Father to help Luiz wake up and have the desire to go to church! We had so much faith that he was going to go that I even made sure there was a spot right next to me in the Sacrament Meeting for him to take! As time passed by, we kept our eyes on the door waiting for Luiz. Then at the last minute, in comes walking Luiz with his church clothes on and a Book of Mormon in his hands. My eyes filled up with tears as this cute little old man walked into church. It was a HUGE testimony builder and faith builder for me to see just how real pray is and the amazing miracles that can come from a simple prayer with a lot of faith. That is why my missin motto is WORK HARD, PRAY HARDER. It was the greatest blessing to see him at church and listening to every word the speakers had to say. I am excited to keep teaching him and see where it goes.
This week was crazy and lots happened but one of the best! I am loving where I am and the new responsibility that I have as a trainer. My companion is so cute and I just love her to death already! I miss you all and keep you in my heart and prayers!
until next time,
Brother and Sister Cribbs!
We just wanted to send you a quick announcement about Hermana Cribbs new assignment (if she hasn´t already told you). She has been called to serve as a trainer!
This is one of the highest responsibilities in the mission, and President and Sister Gwilliam have a tremendous amount of trust in her. We are grateful to you both for preparing her to serve here.
She is a fantastic missionary who is always happy and cheerfully serving others. She will be an excellent example to Sister Pinto, from Brazil.
Here is a copy of her call/thank you.
Thanks again!
Elder Gomez y Elder Kieffer
Elder Góffer
Secretario de Registros
Misión Chile Santiago Sur
La Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Últimos Días
Celular: 974783056
Oficina: 022-980-3611
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