The One with Pushing to the Limit!
AUGUST 30, 2017
This week was a GREAT one! We are really starting to see the fruits of our hard labors here in the area and everything. We have many people that we are teaching and that are starting to really progress. It is all the blessings from our hard and diligent work! We have been working together in this ward now (Hermana Rand and I) for about 8 weeks and we are NOW finally seeing the fruits. We had to really earn it too. Days of only contacting people in the street, walking all day long, freezing in the winter nights, and talking to everyone trying to find people to teach! Man it was soo hard and felt like soo long since we have had some success. Now, we really are having it! We have many people with baptisimal dates and our days are full with lessons to investigators! It is jsut the best! I have really learned in this short period of time the importance of hard work. My mom always told me and my siblings "All three of my children will love to learn to love to work!" Well, mom, I have finally learned. It is the most satisfying to be rewarded after working so hard to get there! When one receives something they had to really work for, it means so much more! It is so importnat that we always are working hard and putting in our best efforts. During this time, I was praying all the time! HAHA my WORK HARD PRAY HARDER reallis is my motto for me mission! It is important that we do our part, but NEVER be afraid to ask for some Heavenly help, they are more than willing to give us some!
There is a quote by Henry B. Erying that syas "The Lord´s Work is NOT just to colve problems, it is to BUILD people!" This is sooo true! I can testify that this is more than just a quote, but a motto to live by. Here in the mission I have learned this lesson over and over. I used to think and easily see that the Gospel solves problems and that missionary work saves lives, but was harder to see the way it builds me! This time that I have here in the mission I have been able to see the personal growth and changes in myself. It is all part of it! The Lords work doesnt jsut solve the problems and issus, but it builds the people. As I am doing the Lords work for Him and serving Him, He is building me!
I hope you are doing well and letting the Lord build you up! He will make you strong when you feel week and help you when you are in need! He is the light in the dark and the hand when you need to be lifted up! I promise this and know it is true with all of my heart!
I love you all so much!
WORK HARD PRAY HARDER! Okay this dog is named Dude. He is the mission dog. Our ward is where the Mission Office is and that is where Dude always is. HE LOVES MISSIONARIES! HE always protects us from anything and has actually saved a few missionaries lives, killed other dogs that attacked missionaries, and is jsut the cutest thing ever! He follows us around all the time and protects us, we love it. One night he followed us home and somehow got into the apartment complex, then people made us let him in our house cause he was crying outside our house! LOL! So he hung out with us and slept in our house one night!
We also ordered pizza one day!
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