The One with a Happy Mothers Day! 5/17
So this week we had a lot of success with some of the investigators that we are teaching. We had about 7 investigators in our ward between us and the Elders and that is many for our mission! It was a blessing for sure! We are really blessed as missionaries with the ability to help people in remarkable ways. We have an investigator who has a Cocaine addiction! It was kinda scary at first to start teaching him because we had no idea how to help him and we weren't sure what to teach or how to go about it. But the Lord blessed us with the Gift of Tongues and we have been bale to help him so much! HE is going to church and we are working towards baptism with him! We have already seen a huge change in him! He is going to a 12 step program that one stake has here and taking the missionary lessons from us! It really is a miracle to see the change and how really the Gospel makes all the difference for EVERYONE! No matter what the problem is or how far off the path we may be.. the Atonement and Gospel is for every single person here on the earth! And I have the change to help bring this to pass! What a blessing and miracle this is in itself! WOW I am so lucky and so grateful to my Heavenly Father for this!
Well that is really all I got this week! Until next week!
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