The One with Woman's Conference 3/29
March 29th
I hope all is well with everyone back home. As for me here in Chile, I am doing great! We had the chance to watch the Womans General Conference this week and it was amazing! I really liked how all the talks had to do with the fact that we are Daughters of a Heavnly King and He knows and can see our potential and worth. It makes me feel so good and receive a huge comfort to know that my Father in Heaven really loves me and that He knows me perfectly. As His daughters we have something special. We have the ability to share the love that Heavenly Father has, with other people. Being a Sister Missionary, I have learned just how important the attribute of love really is. the people here have my heart and soul, as it should be. I have a love for them so big, that I cannot even imagine the amount of love Heavenly Father has for all of us! An incredible amount!
I hope all is well with everyone back home. As for me here in Chile, I am doing great! We had the chance to watch the Womans General Conference this week and it was amazing! I really liked how all the talks had to do with the fact that we are Daughters of a Heavnly King and He knows and can see our potential and worth. It makes me feel so good and receive a huge comfort to know that my Father in Heaven really loves me and that He knows me perfectly. As His daughters we have something special. We have the ability to share the love that Heavenly Father has, with other people. Being a Sister Missionary, I have learned just how important the attribute of love really is. the people here have my heart and soul, as it should be. I have a love for them so big, that I cannot even imagine the amount of love Heavenly Father has for all of us! An incredible amount!
Also, we are teaching an investigator but we had to drop her because she wasnt progressing.... you know why? Because she has Alzheimer disease!! We figured it out the second lesson when she didnt remember a single thing we taught her!! We taught her how to pray at least 5 times. We would teach her in the beginning of the lesson and then at the end because she would forget in the middle! She also would randomly get up in the middle of the lesson, we would ask "Norma where are you going?" She would say as she was walking into the kitchen, "Oh I am thirsty and want some Coca Cola!" hahahaha, what??? It literally cracked me up because I just know that that will be my parents in like 40 years! Just randomly get up in the middle of a serious conversation because they want a Diet Coke! So funny!
So this week we went to go look for an investigator that we have taught a few times named Rosa. We werent sure how interseted she really was in the Gospel or what her deal was, so we just went to go see how she was doing. We got to her house and rang the doorbell and screamed the "Alo" like we do here in Chile. We could clearly see all the way back to the house and when her con opened the back gate, we had a clear shot of Rosa´s face! We made dirent eye contact with her and then her son hurried and shut the door! He came to the front gate and we kindly asked for Rosa. He looked right at us and said "Oh no, Rosa isnt here, she jsut left the house actually to go buy bread..." HAHAHHAHAH they must think we are dumb, i dont know! he lied right to our faces! We didnt say anything because we just knew that she diodnt want more with us, at least that day. We said thank you and walked away and then laughed for a good 15 minutes! So funny! People say what ever they want and just lie right to us, craks me up!
I share this story because it teaches me a lot. One, that we cannot control other people, only ourselves. We cannot try and make someone like something or do something. We can only change ourselves and how we CHOOSE to respond to others. We can choose how to react and based on how we choose to react, we will be happy or we will be sad. But it is based on what we choose to do. This sad but funny story with Rosa is an example. I cannot make her come out and listen to us, but I Can change how I react. We choose to laugh it off and be happy afterwards. yes, it is sad and not what I want as a missionary, but I am choosing to not let it get me down and to make sure that i keep going and doing my part! This lesson that I am continually learning here in the mission really is the key to being happy! I hope we can all understand and see that the only thing we can control is ourselves, and with this control, we can choose to be happy! SO BE HAPPY BECAUSE LIFE IS A BEAUTIFUL THING!
I love you all so much!
Work Hard, Pray Harder!
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