The One with Ward Conference 5/3
Hello all! This week was great!!! We had many activities this week with the ward because it was Ward Conference this week! We had something every day of the week as a ward. We had a Family Home Evening with the ward and we had an investigator go with us! He had lots of fun and was able to mesh with the ward a little bit. This step is so important in the work, for the inv. to feel welcomed and loved by the ward! I love the ward I am in because they always do this part so well and really take care of the people we invite to know the Gospel. Honestly missionary work and work of the members is one team, and that is the way it should be. We also had a huge once as a ward. Once is what they do here in Chile is place of like dinner. They dont eat dinner, only lunch (but huge) and then they have once at like 8/9 at night. We ate as a ward and then we had a few members sing and some young men play the guitar and sing. It was soo good and we had an absolute blast!!
So this past week I have been really sick and didnt have a voice hardly at all. I was asked on Sunday to preform a special musical number..... and I had to sing a solo!! We had a member on the piano and the other member on the flute. I sang "I know my Redeemer Lives". It was beautiful and I felt the Spirit so strongly. All week it was hard to practice and it didnt really sound good but then on Sunday when I sang, it was easy and came out the way I wanted it. The Spirit in the Conference was so strong! Here in the mission I seem to have the ability to feel the Spirit stronger than I ever have before. It is the feeling of strength and love form God. I invite everyone to seek this feeling everyday. It will give you everything you need to move on and to endure all the trials we may have. I can promise you this. I have felt it and have seen the miracles in my daily life because of this feeling! The Spirit of God is truly the most powerful force here on the Earth. It is how we communicate with the Heavens above.
The recording is From: Karen Viana Pinto Juan Carlos Parra Arenas
I recognized my friend Hermann in it (the guy who accompanied Sis. Cribbs' musical number in ward conference with his flute). So Chambray has finally met my friend in Santiago. What a special surprise.
And not only that, but I was talking with Hermann recently, and I asked if he could send me a recording of his flute playing, and he sent me a recording of the musical number he and his friend did together with Hna. Cribbs! So I'm attaching it to this message, so you can all hear her sing en espaƱol.
Con aloha,
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